What? More Games?!

Along with Trader’s Journey, we’ve got a few more ideas in the works right now. Some are more developed than others, while some are already in the process of being designed and playtested. We hope you enjoy looking through some of these upcoming games, expansions, and ideas! And as always, if you have any thoughts, questions, concerns, or ideas of your own, shoot us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Cats & Coffee

One of our most developed games aside from Trader’s Journey, Cats & Coffee combines two of some of our most favorite things… can you guess? Cats & Coffee is a card game centered around being a cat and brewing your own coffee drinks at your very own, freshly-opened cafe. You’ll need to be careful, though—there’s rival cats around the block who want to steal your business, so you’ll need to brew the best drinks and rake in those customers to beat out the competition!

Unlike Trader’s Journey, Cats & Coffee’s artstyle isn’t yet set in stone, but they are close to what we have in mind for the finalized style of the game: a hand-drawn, thick-outlined cartoonish style with lots of different browns, and color where it counts!

Cats & Coffee plays as a risk / reward, almost ‘rummy’ style game, where ingredient cards are placed in a central ‘pool’ for players to collect on their turn, which can then be used to craft drink cards to be placed in front of you.

Each drink card has a ‘customer’ number on it, dictating how many ‘customer tokens’ a player will draw at the start of their turn. The player with the most customer tokens at the end of the game wins—but—each drink card also has a unique ability, scaled with how rare it is to craft.

By using (and discarding) the drinks you’ve built, you can risk losing out on customers gained each turn to potentially give yourself a boost in the game… by disrupting the flow of the competition. Use your cards wisely to outsmart your opponents!

For more info on Cats & Coffee, shoot us an email and we’ll be happy to answer any questions. Also be sure to check out our Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok for any upcoming info on the game, or sign up with your email address to recieve notifications on all things Coffeemill news!

A Tale of Torchlight

“An eerie fog known as ‘the Grim’ has settled over the once-whimsical land of Overroot, twisting villagers into lunatics, magical creatures into horrible monsters, and friends into foes. Join the survivors of the land in lighting your way through the dark to collect resources, ward off monsters, and find a way out… but remember to always keep your torch lit, or the Grim will get you too.”

One of our favorite new ideas, Tale of Torchlight is a hauntingly whimsical game of managing torchlight to stave off the horrors of the dark. Light up and explore fog cards surrounding you to collect and store resources that can be used to gain points, or hinder your opponents. With a day / night cycle in the form of ‘dawn’ and ‘dusk’ that allows for some spooky shenanigans, rounds are easily mapped out and tracked throughout the game.

Stay tuned for more details!

For more conversation on this game, send us an email regarding any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas!

To Uncharted Seas, Matey!

Traders from the land of Arden are travelling en masse to the uncharted waters of the Tongo Islands, hoping to carve out a new Trader's Journey tradition of their own... though they never could have known just how perilous those waters had become, overrun by pirates and ghouls alike!

Embrace the seafaring life with an entirely new way to play! Move your ship across the board to collect items, spells, and ship parts, or make your way to different islands and isles and battle your way to glorious treasure! Will you set forth a new tradition for generations to come? Or will you sink below the waves of the Tongo Islands?

Traders Journey to Uncharted Seas is the first ‘planned’ expansion for Trader’s Journey, featuring an all new game board, game mats, cards, pieces, and an entirely new way to play in the form of ship traversal. Unlike the base game, which has players following a guided path (the journey compass) that dicates when journey or boss cards are drawn, Uncharted Seas will be much less guided, and offer a whole new world of freedom for players, both in terms of where to go, which journeys to undertake, or which dungeons to delve into.

Using a grid-based board, players will have to move their ship piece across the seas and travel to different locations in order to progress the game. Each player has their own ship piece, and each is represented by a player’s ‘ship card,’ which dicates how many spaces a ship can move in one turn, how much health it has, and what ‘ship parts’ are needed to craft it, as well as any abilities it may have.

Additionally, there will be 3 new ‘subtypes’ added to the game, as well as 3 new status effects that play directly into them! The subtypes are Blood, Water, and Soul, and the statuses are Bleed, Wet, and Soulburn. Attacking a target with a certain subtype will cause different effects based on the subtype used; for example, using a Water subtype against a Wet-inflicted target actually heals the target, and using a Blood subtype against a Bleed-inflicted target heals the user. A guide to these matchups will be provided on the new player mats for assistance, as well as ship crafting recipes!

A Dark Side of Arden?

Both ‘Traders Journey Into Darkness’ and the following expansion ‘Trader’s Journey Across Desert Sands’ are still in the brainstorming and develepment phase, and are little more than proofs of concept at the moment, though they do have guidelines, some rules, and new mechanics set in stone to be played with and tested. ‘Into Darkness’ will be, well, darker than the base game, and will feature the option to engage in PvP battles, something previously missing from the original ( mostly ;) )

When the land of Arden is suddenly thrust into an endless night of chaos by the ghostly Blood Moon, the inhabitants must choose whether to pierce the darkness with blinding light… or join the forces of evil in bringing the land to its knees!

Play as one of 16 new characters, and collect all new weapons, armor, spells, and more that will determine your character’s morality. A higher morality will net you the holy powers of the divine, whereas a lower morality will grant you the chaotic powers of darkness. Choose your side, and fight with or against your friends in this dark expansion to Trader’s Journey.

This expansion will feature new player mats, a bunch of new cards, and a new mechanic in the ‘morality system,’ which plays a huge role in the core of the gameplay loop for this version of the game.

Each player card will have a morality symbol printed on it that dictates what a player’s starting morality will be, with 3 different options: Righteous, Neautral, or Evil. A player’s morality will determine which moarlity-specific cards and abilities they’ll be able to use, and it should be noted that a player’s morality can shift throughout the course of a game thanks to the ‘morality meter’ on the player mat, which acts as a slider for players to move as they play the game. Playing cards with an ‘evil’ symbol will lower a player’s morality on the slider, and playing a ‘righteous’ card will raise it. Any cards without a symbol are ‘neutral,’ and don’t affect the meter either way.

The Sun Grows Brighter…

In the vast desert land of Serrana, the worshippers of the Sun have scattered ancient and powerful artifacts across the dunes to resurrect their old king. To stop them, the Desert Traders have sent out a message to all Traders from all lands, desperate for help.

Trek the desert sands in search of glory and truth to stop the Cult of the Sun before it’s too late. Move your piece across the board in search of ancient tombs and massive pyramids, and collect valuable materials along the way. Craft all new weapons, armor, and more! Will you be able to stop the cult before time runs out? Or will you be lost in the desert winds for eternity?

Trader’s Journey Across Desert Sands introduces full on crafting mechanics into the world of Trader’s Journey, along with all new enemy types, treasures, and caravan cards. Move your trader piece across a vast desert-themed playing field and make your way across desert sands to different tombs, oases, pyramids, bazaars, and cities to collect the ancient relic cards left scattered by the Cult of the Sun. Players are given a time limit to achieve this goal, making for some tense sequences between players and the game itself.

As of right now, this is the least developed expansion for Trader’s Journey, so expect some fairly major changes to story and / or gameplay elements. Send us your own ideas on how we could make this version great!

Battle in the Blooms

Our newest idea yet, Battle in the Blooms is shaping up to be a 2-4 player competitive ‘gotcha’ card game with a focus on card placement and battle mechanics, inspired by other games like Othello and Tic Tac K.O.

As of right now, Battle in the Blooms (only a placeholder name) is still figuring out its style, though we do know that the game will feature cute little insects as characters, all battling it out to rule the West Garden and its many flowers. There will be 4 different ‘factions’ (decks) to play with, with each featuring a different bug kingdom and unique playstyle to use.

Players will have to strategize and plan their card placements carefully to win the game; if any of your cards are surrounded on at least 3 adjacent sides, your card is captured and replaced by an enemy card! Cover the grid-based game mat with all of your character cards to win the game!

For more conversation on this game, send us an email regarding any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas!